Who we are

Helping children by changing lives

D ROSE FOUNDATION is a non-governmental organization based in Ghana and founded in 2018. Since our inception, we have been dedicated to breaking the circle of poverty and improving the quality of lives of people living in both the rural and urban Communities of Ghana, especially in Jamestown and Chorkor vicinities within the Accra Metropolis and giving hope to the vibrant youth for their future security. Attaining those milestones has been possible by the employment of innovative solutions in the areas of Foster Home Management, Counselling, Youth Education, Vocational and Skill Training, Youth Entrepreneurial and Women Empowerment programmes, Agricultural Development and Climate Change, Enterprise Development, and Gender, Peace and Conflict Mitigation.


D Rose Foundation is


Raising funds to feed children in our care 3 times a day.
$800 Raised: $500,000 Goal:
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Our Vision

Our Vision is to have articulate, vibrant, inclusive and sustainable rural communities in Ghana, especially Jamestown and Chorkor vicinities in Accra Metropolis, that are capable of contributing to a clean, a peaceful, an equitable and a stable Ghana.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide services that will meet the critical need of the people who live in the rural communities of Ghana, particularly children who live within Jamestown and Chorkor vicinities within Accra Metropolis.

Core Values

Our Key Programmes Components

We understand the importance of Programmes and Projects.

• Foster Care/Temporary Shelter for Street Children

D Rose Foundation has strategically positioned itself to be able to come to the aid of those vulnerable children by bringing them to the foster home and giving them food, shelter and education.

• Youth Entrepreneurial and Women Empowerment Programmes.

Addressing the needs of the Youths and Women is very critical and to ending poverty and hunger, as well as promoting equality, we established YEWEP.

• Gender Programme

D Rose Foundation’s Gender programme approach focuses on the socially constructed differences between Men and Women and the need to challenge existing gender roles and relations. We hold a strong view that people cannot be gender blind in a gender sensitive society.

• Conflict Management and Peace Building

Development can only thrive in a peaceful environment. D ROSE FOUNDATION works with all the Stakeholders in the Community (Men, Women, and Youths) to promote peaceful co-existence and dialogue

• Agricultural Development and Climate Change

Climate change affects agriculture in a number of ways through changes in average temperatures, rainfalls and climate extremes, changes in pest and diseases, changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and ground-level ozone concentration, changes in the nutritional value of some foods and changes in sea level.

Water Found

Sponsors for Educational

Become a Godparent

Your monthly donation can change a life. Help provide essential needs and support for a foster child. Donate now and make a difference!

Be their Hero, Month after Month! Start their Journey today.

Our Adoption programme

Adopt a Child by paying Monthly Expenses.

 Make a lasting impact on a child’s life with a recurring donation to fund the child’s monthly expenses such as Education, Health, Wellbeing, Feeding and clothing etc.

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Community Impact

Our Innovative 5 Pronged Strategic Approach to all operation

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Securing the future for the next generation